Driving nature-positive changes for your business.

Deep Eco is a studio specializing in natural environment assessment, support in ESG reporting, and designing biodiverse spaces. We are an interdisciplinary team deeply rooted in the ecological aspects of our profession. We have combined our expertise to help businesses prepare and implement biodiversity-positive strategies, and to create spaces that are not only friendly to humans but also to other living organisms. In our projects, we widely apply the principles of ecosystem-based design and nature-based solutions. Deep ecology philosophy is in our hearts and minds.
If you are looking for a partner for biodiversity-positive investments, we invite you to team up with us!

Challenges in which we specialize:

ESG compliance.
Biodiversity loss.
Climate changes.
Habitat degradation.

Biodiversity represents a fundamental aspect of nature and healthy ecosystems, forming a complex network of various species that rely on one another. It encompasses the variety of life forms and their interactions across different environments like land, water, and air. This includes genes, populations, species, and various ecosystems such as forests, wetlands, oceans, and freshwater habitats. Biodiversity provides essential services crucial for human well-being, including food, medicine, energy, and raw materials. 
Ecosystems with their living and non-living components are crucial in regulating climate, natural disasters, air and water quality, pollination, seed dispersal, pest and disease control, soil health, ocean acidity, and habitat formation. Additionally, ecosystems offer cultural ecosystem services — tangible and emotional benefits, serving as places for recreation, education, inspiration, and fostering a sense of connection.


How can we help you to become nature-positive?

Our services

Ecological Assessments & Analyses

Biodiversity and ecosystem condition analysis.

As part of the service, eco-physiographic studies are carried out using remote sensing technologies, GIS systems, and data collection from various sources. Through collaboration with specialists in ecology and environmental biology, we offer the delivery of a detailed report that defines the condition of the key aspects of biodiversity and the current state of the studied ecosystems.

Design & Implementation

Biodiverse spaces design and nature restoration.

Our engineering and landscape solutions are designed to increase local biological diversity by creating habitats for various plant and animal species (habitat creation). We apply nature-inclusive and ecosystem-based design principles, using a wide range of nature-based solutions. As a result, our projects not only fulfill aesthetic and social functions but also actively contribute to the restoration and protection of natural ecosystems, aligning with the long-term goal of sustainable development and increasing the ecological value of the surrounding environment.

ESG Compliance & Reporting

Biodiversity strategy based on science-based targets for nature (SBTN).

Within this service, we thoroughly audit the company’s influence on biodiversity and natural habitats, crafting strategies for their preservation and restoration. By implementing these strategies, we aim to mitigate the company’s negative effects on the natural environment, ensure compliance with legal obligations, and concurrently enhance societal benefits.

Support for regulatory reporting on biodiversity and ecosystem impact.

This service provides comprehensive assistance to organizations in creating ESG reports specifically focused on their impact on biodiversity and ecosystems (CSRD, European Taxonomy, and international frameworks (GRI, TNFD). It covers areas such as the company’s pressures on nature, material ecosystem services, nature-related risks and opportunities, dependencies, and impacts. By leveraging best practices, we help companies transparently disclose their effects on nature throughout their value chain, emphasizing location-specific details and highlighting impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems.

Why Deep Eco?

We love real, fair actions

Collaboration with Deep Eco strengthens the corporate image and serves as an effective response to the phenomenon of greenwashing. Our design practice focuses on generating a real impact on the preservation and restoration of biodiversity, resulting in tangible and measurable benefits for natural ecosystems. Deep Eco's design solutions enable partners to genuinely engage in environmentally friendly practices, rather than merely pretending to be interested in ecology.

Unique Competence

Our diverse team brings together top-notch professionals from a spectrum of fields, empowering us to offer unparalleled support to our clients. From comprehensive environmental analyses to cutting-edge ESG reporting and innovative solutions for nature restoration, we deliver results that exceed expectations.

Deep ecology

Deep Eco is not just the name of our studio; it is our commitment to deep ecology, which means that we design with a deep respect for the balance of nature. Nature for us has an inherent value. By choosing Deep Eco, clients can be assured that they are working with a team that is deeply committed to preserving and restoring biodiversity.

Our partners

Let's work in harmony with nature, not against it.

Knowledge Hub

We experience, visit, read, watch, and here - share our knowledge. Each publication is an original take on a separate topic in the field of theoretical and practical aspects of ecology, environmental biology, and landscape architecture.

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