• Year: 2022
• Type: guidelines development
• Client: Katowice Airport
• Entity carrying out the order: Investeko S.A.
Obraz przykładowy
Implementation of the guidelines will:
- minimize the negative impact of anthropogenic factors on the environment,
- improve soil structure,
- reduce the negative effects of climate change through proper maintenance of the proposed solutions,
create favorable conditions for the growth of biodiversity in the area under development.
Landscape architect and biologist Oleh Bykh, during his employment at Investeko S.A., with the involvement of other team members, was responsible for developing Guidelines for the maintenance of greenery in the airport's public zone. The aim of this document was to provide the airport administration with tailored guidelines that would not only take into account the maintenance standards of existing and designed green areas in a sustainable manner but also provide a range of solutions to enhance biodiversity in the area.